
The first weekend in December we had our biggest group of the year. With 23 kids at the camp, we were all moving. It was a great weekend with some good friends and family. We ended up with a few deer taken, and several deciding to follow Christ.

When I was thinking about this group and sharing the weekend with everyone, all I could think about was the firsts. You see for a lot of these kids it was their first time hunting, it was there first time for a weekend away from parents, and a few of them even killed their first deer.

You know our lives are filled with firsts. Some of these milestones fill baby books, first tooth, first steps, first words. We look forward to our children making these steps, but one step we fail to make a note of is the First step to following Christ. You see that step doesn’t come at any particular age or stage in life.

The spirit calls us to repentance and that comes at a different time for each of us. I was hoping today that you could pause and reflect over your life. Do you remember making that first step into a new life in Christ. Turning from the life you lived, and turning to a life of obedience to God. If you can’t pinpoint that moment, you may not have had it yet. Today could be the first day of the rest of your life. Christ loves you with an everlasting love, He wants to lead and guide you to a more abundant life. A life filled with His Spirit leading and guiding you. Take that first step today, and if you remember that first step… and find yourself not quite as close as you once were then take that step back to Him today. He is calling today, answer the call.

If you need prayers, or know someone who needs our ministry please give us a call or let us know.

Love in Christ,

Briar Ridge Children’s Ministries, Inc.

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