We had an open weekend where a small group had to back out so we called on a few of our mentors and they found some kids to bring up. It ended up being a small weekend, only 12 youth, but it’s never about the numbers with our camp. All of the kids really seemed to enjoy the weekend, and although there weren’t but a couple of deer taken, there were loads of memories made. One of the girls was super lucky, she got her first deer on Saturday, and her biggest deer on Sunday.
The messages were brought by a couple of our mentors and the local pastor. We had a wonderful time, and learned so much about each other and the Word of God. Small weekends give us a break in some ways, but in big weekends are busy with everything going on. It’s hard not to focus on numbers in a lot of parts of life. You see, so many worry about numbers when we go to church. How many were in Sunday School, how many in Service, how many are on the roll. The times in which we live, have us focusing so much on numbers and don’t get me wrong, numbers are important. But much more important is when we take those numbers apart and start seeing faces. Each and every one of us are important in God’s eyes, and I think we lose a little bit of that in a crowd. There are times we feel over-looked, and maybe a little over-whelmed with everyone around us. God is not looking for the prettiest, the tallest, the shortest, the smallest, the smartest… He is looking for you. He cares for each and every one of us, and in our mind we can’t even comprehend that. You see He knows the number of hairs on our head, that’s how important you are to Him.
Now I know there are some of you out there going through things most of us can’t even begin to imagine. There are some of you that just feel lost in the crowd, overwhelmed by your situation. It seems everyone else is good, and they are going about their lives without a care in the world. But I want you to know, you are not alone. Whether you are right in the middle of crowded chaos, or sitting in your recliner feeling forgotten. God, isn’t about the numbers, He is about you. He is waiting and wanting you to reach out and work on a relationship with Him. He isn’t worried about what everyone else is doing, or how they are feeling, He is worried about you. The Bible says in 1 Peter chapter 5 verse 7 to cast our cares upon Him because He cares for us. We may feel like we are drowning in our problems and cares, our trials and tests… but we know the One who walks on water. Call out to Him if you feel like you are sinking, just like the disciple Peter, He will hold your hand and help you rise above the waves.
He loves and cares for you. If you need prayer or would like to join our ministry, please feel free to contact us. We are available to come speak at your event or church, to share our ministry and what God is doing in our lives.
Love in Christ,
Briar Ridge
Jan 20-22, 2023