Another Great Weekend!

We are so excited to have our second weekend in the books! We are still in the middle of finishing up on the lease as well as a few final touches in the camp. It’s been a great weekend with 6 boys and 9 adults. Most importantly we had two great messages and two kills.

Most of us wandered into camp Friday evening. And we actually got some sleep Friday night, well everyone that wasn’t in the bottom bunk room (snoring may have been a little loud down there, lol). We had a great morning hunt with one kill. And they wandered back in time for a brunch meal. We knew a couple of our kids had to leave after lunch so we went ahead and had our midday devotion a little early.

Brother James Hunsucker brought a message about Christ being our Rock. What do you lean on? Jesus should be our cornerstone. The one truth that our life is measured and set from. So many times, we lean on our own abilities and the abilities of others and don’t truly lean on the one that will always be true and right. We need him to guide and direct us and he can’t do that unless we are trusting in him.

After that message a couple of the boys and mentors left for the weekend and sadly I didn’t get pictures of the full group. But we all ate lunch and worked on a few more stands on the lease.   After a short break the boys headed to the stands, excited to hunt again. We got another kill that afternoon and it was his first kill without help, and he may be a sharp shooter with that 250-yard shot. The boys came on in and started cleaning the deer and we stopped them to go ahead and get a little supper and let the ones who needed to get on the road go.

After a great supper that was provided by one of our mentors, we had our evening devotion. Bro. James brought to us that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He said most importantly that Jesus is The Way. He is the only way to find salvation. To be saved and reach Heaven we must realize that Jesus Christ died for our sins and rose again on the third day. His death and resurrection provided us with the ability to have our sins forgiven. Christ loves us so much he would do anything to spend time with us. His death on the cross let that be possible.

Hopefully our boys and the mentors got a lot out of this weekend. The messages were truth that has to be realized when you are a child of God. They also got to see 17 deer and although there were only two kills a great time was had by all. I’m so glad that Christ is bringing us together to build friendships, make memories, and find out more about our Savior. Can’t wait till the next trip!

Aden’s early morning doe, he was hoping for a buck this weekend but said he will have to come back and try again!
Jacob with his evening kill! We can’t wait for him to come back and spend some more time with us, it was a pleasure!

Here is 4 of the 6 boys we had this weekend with one of our mentors.

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