Another amazing weekend at Briar Ridge. We ended up with sixteen kids over-all. Although some didn’t get to hunt I’m almost positive everyone had a good time. Montgomery Baptist Church out of Bogue Chitto brought most of the group and we thank them for their support of our ministry.
Hunting wise, it may have been the worst weekend so far. I’ve always heard about the November Lull in deer season, but I’m pretty sure this weekend was definitely the Lull for us. But, on the ministry side, it was wonderful. Bro. Lance Hobby came back to give the messages, and did a spectacular job. With the only difference we had Bro. Jerrod Waite from Alabama come for the Saturday evening message. We had two give their heart to God, and that’s where the blog starts.
This weekend we had two children that made a decision to give their hearts to God. Bro. Waite left for the camp at 4 Saturday morning, but it seemed as though he wasn’t going to make it. His father had a spell with his heart and Bro. Waites had to turn around. He prayed for his father’s healing and headed home. When he got there, his father had felt better and went to work. So, Bro. Waites had a decision to make, he had already been driving for hours and ended up back where he had started. As he contemplated and prayed on what he should do, he felt a tug on his heart that he should be at Briar Ridge. So back in the car he got, and after a few more hours of driving he arrived just in time for the evening hunt. He brought a wonderful message, and two lives were changed.
God is orchestrating a plan that we will never understand. We may have to cross hurdles by the dozen, but in the end, it will be worth it. We may never see the seeds that God allows us to plant grow into fruit, but we can’t grow weary in doing good. I pray that you allow God to lead and guide you from day to day. And if life happens in the middle of His plan, don’t lose heart because His purpose in your life is still the same. I pray that you have the boldness to follow where he leads, and to do as he asks. It’s not always easy, but, it will always be worth it in the end.
As I watched those two young people stand before the crowd and give their heart to God, I realized just how tough it is to step out in faith. We are blessed with a Heavenly Father that is waiting to accept us when we step out. I hope you have found your courage to step into the life God has planned for you, it starts with Salvation and it will never end. His plan may take you around the block, or around the world. It takes the same amount of faith and obedience no matter where he leads.
I pray that your relationship with Christ grows closer daily. And, that you are listening for His direction. If you have gotten side tracked from His path, I pray that you realize all it takes to get His purpose back at the center of your life, is falling on your knees before a loving God and telling him. He already knows where you are, he knows exactly the intents of your heart. He loves you with a love that we cannot fathom. If you need prayer, or a word of encouragement we are here to help you. And if you know of a child that could benefit from a weekend of learning more about the Love of our amazing Savior please feel free to let us know.
Love in Christ,
Briar Ridge