A couple of weeks ago we finished our deer season at Briar Ridge. It was an amazing weekend with 18 children. We had some kids from Memphis, TN and I believe everyone had a great time.
We had a good kill by a first time hunter, and almost everyone got to see deer. It was probably one of the most spiritual weekends we have had, the Lord moved in every message.
The messages were all wonderful, and we all learned how Christ wants to change our lives and use us for His glory. I watched as children opened up, and experienced the love that Christ offers each of us. It was a blessing to see God at work and I’m glad to say souls were saved, and lives were changed. Whether it was opening their hearts to God or rededicating their lives, I saw God at work this weekend.
The last message of the weekend was about Noah. Most of us know the story of the ark, it’s probably one of the top ten Bible stories for kids. The message wasn’t about Noah building the ark, or the miracle of the size of the ark, the message was about the door. As a matter of fact it is a message we all need to take to heart.
And that door is where my blog begins. Noah preached for over 100 years inviting everyone that would listen into the ark. He begged and pleaded, but all that Noah could persuade to get on the boat with him was his family. Eight people were called into the ark and God shut the door. I’m not sure Noah would have ever quit extending the invitation, but God sealed the hope of that age with that one door closing. God loves us with an immeasurable Love. One we can’t even imagine or begin to describe. But the creator is also a Just God. We either choose to live for Christ, or we choose to live against Him, there is no in between. The eight people on the ark chose to live a life for God. They chose to follow a man of faith, that spoke of water falling from Heaven. They followed a man that said that a flood was coming even if they had never seen rain. They followed a man that built a boat when there was no water around. Everyone else living on the earth in those days, they chose to do what they wanted. They chose to live lives that pleased themselves. They wanted no part of the man of faith, or his big boat. And in the end, they died with their decisions. They changed their mind one moment too late. They changed their mind when the rains came, when the waters were rising, there is no doubt in my mind that people were begging and pleading to be let into that boat. But it was too late, the door was sealed and judgement was upon the face of the earth.
I pray that we each realize that tomorrow is not promised. The door to our lives can be shut at any moment. Judgement is coming to each of us. I hope you are ready to stand before Christ, I pray that you are on the right side of that door. Don’t be left out in the rain of God’s judgement, come in to the salvation on the Lord. Give up what this world offers, and embrace a life dedicated to serving Him. Right now He is knocking on the door to your heart, asking if you will come and serve Him. I urge you today, answer His call.
If you need prayer, or know someone that needs our ministry please feel free to contact us. We are also available to speak and tell others about our ministry. If interested, please contact us.
Love in Christ,
Briar Ridge