Another great weekend in the books for Briar Ridge. We have just finished off an amazing weekend at Briar Ridge and I’m pretty sure everyone in the group can’t wait to come back. We had a couple of kills, a couple of misses, and a few great messages.
Nine boys and twelve adults arrived Friday night ready to eat a little supper and head to bed for an early morning track in the woods. After we finished eating Bro. Dionnne did a simple devotion. He talked about his adventures hunting and brought out the point that it doesn’t matter if you’re the best hunter, fisherman, or whatever you want to be, you can never be good enough to get into Heaven. You see Jesus is the only way to make it in, so we can fill our lives with everything else, but, if we don’t put Christ first we are missing the whole point.
We all finally got settled down and went to sleep and started out our morning hunt with a couple of kills by a boy that hadn’t ever had a k ill. He was completely excited and most of the boys did get to see deer that morning. We came back in for a late breakfast and Bro. Dionnne brought his second message. We all know there are people and groups that like to prohibit or would absolutely like to do away with hunting. But, Bro. Dionne brought out the fact that the hunting and killing of animals is definitely biblically based. He said we shouldn’t go just for sport, and that what is killed needs to be used, but, as long as you are hunting for a purpose then its alright. After this message some of us had to leave. But the rest hung around camp for the Saturday evening hunt. There were two shots, one was a kill and one we thought was a kill but we couldn’t find. We called our friend Zack Crowley to come and he did his best to get there but Deuce got injured before he could make it. We hope and pray that Deuce gets better and gets to continue doing the job that he loves to do.
The final message from Bro. Dionne was awesome. (I didn’t get to hear it, but I heard about it from a couple people.) He said God has blessed us with people and relationships in our lives. We should have respect for the men and women in these relationships. We are blessed with children and families and we should take time that we may selfishly want to hoard up and do what we want and instead spend it with our families. You know that is what Briar Ridge is all about, we are trying to get away from the hustle and bustle of life and spend time with those we love. Children are a gift from God, but if we don’t appreciate that gift then that gift will spoil. We need to love and nurture the people that God has placed in our lives. Never take for granted the time we have because time that is wasted can never be gotten back, and the people that we love may not be with us forever.
You know this messge certainly hit home with me. You see I have always been blessed with a wonderful family, but as a child I never spent any quality time with my dad. I loved him, but he worked almost all the time and I just didn’t really have a relationship with him at all. When I was 17 I got in a wreck and my family came really close to losing me. After a week in the hospital and a couple more weeks of healing I finally was able to resume life as normal. As soon as my dad decided I was well enough he told me I was going to work with him one morning. This was the beginning of a journey for me. I got to know my dad and he became my best friend. I wouldn’t give anything to change my life and the directions it has taken. It took almost losing me for my dad to realize he didn’t even know me. I hope and pray that Briar Ridge gets men, women, and children to realize that tomorrow is not promised, so spend today with the ones you love.
With 4 deer killed this weekend and a lot of looking in-ward from the messages I would definitely call this weekend a success. Prayers up for all who came this weekend, and our prayers for each of you that is reading this. May you be blessed this Christmas season and take time to spend with all the people God has blessed you with.
Love and Prayers,
Briar Ridge
Great to see what y’all are doing! Sorry I couldn’t make it to track the deer y’all couldn’t find. We got Deuce doctored up and he is doing a lot better! Give me a call anytime if I can help!
Your on our speed dial Zach, glad Deuce is better.