Deer Season is at an End

We finished deer season with a final hunt, and it was a wonderful weekend.  We ended up with 20 children, and a total of about 50 people ended up at camp.  It was a great time hunting, and enjoying time with each other.  Their were 4 children that killed their first deer.  But, the best part was the fact that one child decided to give his heart to Christ.

Our messages were brought by Mr. Maury Jones and Bro. Jake Hawley.  Jake started the weekend talking about our foundation and Mr. Maury taught us all about the trap of sin.  Mr. Maury told us that sin will not only mark us, but in some cases it will take our life.  Jake took back up Saturday night teaching us about How Christ should not only be our foundation, but that to make Him our foundation we have to invite Him into our heart, and live daily for Him.

This morning as I was praying about what to blog about God reminded me that Christ is our foundation, but our lives (His Sanctuary) is what is being built on that foundation.  It’s very important that we understand having Christ as our foundation is The Most Important part of our lives.  But, it is also important to understand that in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 the Bible tells us ‘Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God?  You are not your own, for you were bought with a price.  So glorify God in your body.’  Our lives as Christians is what is being built on the foundation of Christ.

So, here is the question, is your life for Christ more than just a foundation?  You see the prayer for Christ to forgive us, and lead our lives is the beginning of our journey with Christ.  Just like a house has a foundation, the prayer of salvation and putting Christ first in our life is just the foundation of the life of a Christian.  The houses that we build can’t be lived in with just the foundation.  The Holy Spirit wants to live in our lives, but He needs more than just a foundation to live in.  We build our life in Christ by studying His Word and making choices that please Him daily.  The stronger our faith and belief in Christ is, the stronger the House that we build for Him is.  When I was young we sang a song of God preparing us to be a Sanctuary for Him.  I pray that I am a dwelling place for His Spirit, not a shack that has been thrown together, not a house made of straw, but a home that He can take pride in.   I also pray that His Spirit has found a comfortable home in your life.

I pray that you have decided to have Christ as your firm foundation.  But, I also pray that you have built on that foundation.  I hope the Holy Spirit is happily abiding in you, and in the temple that your life has provided for Him.  If you want to know more, or if you have questions about our ministry just let us know.  We want Christ to have His way in our ministry, and most importantly in our day to day lives.  We pray blessings on you and your family.

Love in Christ,

Briar Ridge


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