We did a little gun safety and had a short devotion Friday night. We talked about how the widow had lost a piece of silver and searched for it. Jesus is on the hunt for those that are lost. Everyone is important to God and he is trying to be a part of your life. After that we called for bed time. That was around ten, that was a joke I suppose and overall I’m pretty sure the most sleep anyone got was 4 hours.
Early Saturday morning (4 AM) the alarm went off. We all groggily headed to the stands. Some of us were lucky enough to see deer but nothing came in close enough to get a shot. We headed back in and got ready for a little lunch. A couple of the men headed to work on the lease and when they got back in we were ready for our mid-day devotion.
Bro. James Hunsucker brought the message about a hunter, and how Christians should be just like a hunter. A Hunter has to prepare; you have to go in armed and having a plan. As Christians, we have to prepare daily, by reading his word, we can’t tell people about Jesus if we don’t know anything about Him. Next, a hunter has to seek. I mean a hunter goes out to hunt. Christians have to Seek! We have to seek for his face, his wisdom, and hunt for his call. Lastly, and most importantly hunters have to be patient. A fruit of the Spirit that we all want, but no one wants to pray for. We live in a world that we can get what we want when we want it, or we will go somewhere else. God’s kingdom doesn’t work like that. He has plans for our lives, and our plans and impatience doesn’t change them. As hunters wait for the right deer, Christians must wait on God’s perfect timing. Youth and adults alike should learn from this message. We should all make sure we are prepared when we enter the world. Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand the enemy. Seek God’s face, hunger after him, He who hungers and thirsts after righteousness shall be filled. And be patient. Wait on the Lord and be of good courage and He will strengthen your heart.
The rest of the afternoon was spent thinking of the devotion and just relaxing. Some of the guys went and worked on the lease a little while and they came back ready to hunt again. Everyone loaded up and off to the stands we went. We had two kills Saturday afternoon, and some very excited children. One was a first-time hunter this weekend and he definitely had to have patience. He watched does and yearlings in the field and had to wait for the right moment.
After a great meal, the deer were cleaned and most of us packed up and headed home. It couldn’t have been a better weekend and we can’t wait to do it again next week. Happy to have children from several areas next week and excited to see what the Lord has in store for Briar Ridge!