This past weekend at Briar Ridge we had a work day planned for Saturday. We figured it would be a good idea to get out in the community and get to know others. After contacting a couple of people, we finally found a couple of yards to clean for some elderly people and we started getting kids signed up to help with the mission weekend.
We kept an eye on the weather and by Wednesday we knew that it wasn’t a timely plan. We called and told a couple of groups to not even worry with making the trip because rain seemed to be on the horizon. A quick look at the weather channel on Friday morning, and we knew it was a bust, rain was going to move in by 11 and supposedly thunderstorms all day. Still we refused to cancel for a few of our campers this weekend. We decided that we would go up and do as much as we could before the rain started. A group of us arrived at camp Friday afternoon, and Bro. Edwards came to give a message from Psalms. After the message, we just spent some time together and went to bed later that night.
Saturday morning, we woke up to a light rain, we got a call from the man who had set up the work and he cancelled on us. Within five minutes of him cancelling the weather pretty much cleared up for the day. Since we were already up, we decided to work around the camp and the ponds that had been donated. Another group arrived to help us and we ended up with 9 kids, and 4 adults for the weekend. We had a great day and another great message was brought by another board member, Jacob Hawley, at lunch. We ended the day with a little fishing and a final message brought by one of the founders. After the message was given, we had four children come up separately and all of them decided to give their heart to God. It was an amazing weekend, but nothing compares to the moment that someone decides one of the biggest changes of their lives.
I’ve taught children in church for years, but when someone makes a heart changing decision we need to make sure they know what they are doing. Salvation is a life change. When someone is in church and everyone else hits the altar, it’s easy to run to fit in. At Briar Ridge, we try to take the time to explain the change that you are signing up for. There is no pressure, because if someone forces or pushes the issue then I don’t believe that it’s true repentance.
So here is the question, have you made the decision that will change your life? We aren’t guaranteed tomorrow, in truth we aren’t guaranteed our next breath. It doesn’t matter how old we are, or how good our health, God decides when it’s our time to stand before him. Are you ready to meet him?
I talked to a couple of the kids this weekend about how important we are to God. And I’m not talking about we as the human race, but he loves each of us individually. The bible says he knows the number of hairs on our head. The one thing I like to bring to someone’s mind, is the cross. When Christ was on the cross he died, for you. You see he didn’t have a list of who would accept him in the far recesses of time… he died for just one. If you would be the only one that accepted the opportunity to trust in Him, well he died for you to have that opportunity. He took all He was and laid it down for You. He rose from the grave, for your victory.
He wants to welcome you into a relationship with Him. This relationship is a two-way street. He wants to lead, guide, and direct you. He wants to encourage, strengthen, and comfort you. To do this you have to not only talk to Him, but listen for His voice. We have a job to do as Christians. He died because He loves us. So, can we live out our love for Him? He’s never going to leave us or forsake us, He will give us what we need for the situations He leads us into. I pray that you are ready to start a new life in Him, and if you already have, then we give Him praise. But when we accept His gift of life, we also give Him our lives to direct and guide as He sees fit. Make sure you are walking in His ways, that He is the one guiding you daily.
Please pray for the children that accepted Christ this weekend, and I ask that you keep Briar Ridge in your prayers during this time as we work on fund-raising to allow our ministry to continue to grow and prosper as the Lord sees fit.
God Bless,
Briar Ridge