Happy New Year!

We are so excited to begin a new year at Briar Ridge, although our actual second year began last September. Right now, we are in the last month of hunting season with only two more weekends of camp scheduled this deer season.

Reflecting over what God has done for us this past year brings a tear to my eye. We’ve had our ups and even a few downs, but with God at the helm of this ministry we know its all in His will. The ups were made throughout the year, we’ve seen several give their heart to God and begin a walk with the Savior. It’s a blessing to be a part of a ministry where you can see God’s hand at work. The biggest down was a robbery at the ministry ( 8 guns were taken) that set us back terribly, but we know His Hand is at work, and He will take care of us.

God is expanding our ministry and we’ve been blessed with new ministers and churches getting involved. I pray that we continue to let God bring in who he sees fit to use, and that He continues to use us.

We are always looking for new opportunities to let others know what our ministry is all about and we ask that you feel free to contact us if you would like us to speak about what God is doing and what we are looking for this year at Briar Ridge.

We are also at the beginning of our years fund-raising drive, and this past year we were truly blessed with some wonderful out pouring of love into our ministry. The last fund-raising event we had was our Plot Sponsorship, and we had several local businesses take on the task of funding one of the major expenses of our hunting season. We are so thankful for each and everyone that has supported us this year in every way, your prayers and help is greatly appreciated and if you would like to know how to get involved please let us know.

We were lucky enough to bring in the New Year at Briar Ridge this past weekend. And as we sat visiting at a church Sunday, God spoke to my heart. Offering time came, and the projector flashed a message, and that is where my blog begins.

The projectors message said, Offering – A time of worship. As I sat in that congregation God began to speak to my spirit. The best way for us to worship, is with Obedience. When we obediently follow Christ everything else just happens. We give freely, we volunteer readily, and we seek Him like a treasure.

The Bible says that God loves a cheerful giver, and knowing His word is true I ask you, are you cheerful in your giving? Everything we do for God should be done with joy, including giving. God asks that we are good stewards of what he has given us, but sometimes we become stingy when it comes to ministry. With our busy lives, our expenses seem to have gotten larger. Instead of giving Christ our best he gets what is left. It’s not that God doesn’t want us to give, but one of the first stories in Genesis tells about two brothers who gave to God and only one’s offering was accepted. Are we giving our best to the master, because no matter what everyone else sees, Christ knows our intentions?

Volunteering is a blessing, to be able to help in God’s plan for someone else is a miracle. A former pastor told me one time “The need is the call”. When we see a need then God is calling us to step up and do His will. It’s so easy to do that sometimes. But sometimes we just look for someone else to do whatever it is. Has Christ shown you a need and you are standing on the side-lines screaming for someone to help, quit screaming and get to work. You may not get a pat on the back, you may never get recognition for doing anything, and you may get rejected. But if God has laid it on your heart, then there is a purpose in it.

Lastly, seeking Christ as the treasure that He truly is. What a blessing it is to have a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips. Most of us do now a day. Our phone is a lifeline, but it also holds so much information. I read my Bible from mine a lot, and if I have a question, I google it. How much time are you spending in His word? Are you reading and studying as you should, or are you doing it because its on the schedule to read a couple of chapters a day? I hope you get in His word and get a closer relationship with Him.

I pray that your life is filled with worship. It may sound a little strange, but it is truly what we all need. Christ at the center of our life and our lives revolving around His will. He is the sustainer of life, and the Giver of all things good. He is everything we need, and all that we should want. I pray God’s will in your life, and if you need prayer or anything from us, just reach out and let us know.


Love in Christ,

Briar Ridge


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