Sorry it’s been a while since you’ve heard from me, life is busy and I have just got a minute to sit down and tell ya’ll what’s been going on.
We are seeing amazing things happen with our ministry even in the down time. We were blessed to go and speak this past month at a Wild Life Supper at Rocky Point Baptist Church. There was a lot of good food and fellowship, and we are so thankful they let us share our ministry with them. We are building relationships with a lot of our mentors that came through this year, and we are getting ready to plan a couple of work weekends, and a few fishing weekends very soon.
On the home front, we’ve been blessed to get to attend our home church lately. It’s wonderful to be at camp, and even to visit other churches, but there really is no place like home. We’ve been blessed to get to spend time with our church family, and it’s been great. We are looking for big things to happen in our community and pray that God will lead us to reach out to others.
This past hunting season was a time like no other. We were so blessed to see many come to the Lord. And there are no words to describe how it feels to be a part of God’s plan in someone’s life. As I look back on my memories I’m so very thankful for each face that the Lord has led to our ministry. Hundreds of children, and even more souls have come through our doors and into our lives and I pray we have been the examples God would have us to be.
This season of my life, seems to be a season of change, a season of growth. If anyone really knows me, they know I fear change. But I believe God is looking for us to be more faithful. At this time in our country there is so much coming against not only us, but everything we believe in. I know God is looking for those that are ready to stand up and be counted as laborers in the vineyard. And this is where my blog begins.
There are times in our lives where we all fall short of what God would have us to do. You, like me, may be finding yourself in a position like that right now. Looking back on your life, you see times God could have used you to speak up and let His voice be heard. I know in my life I look back and see opportunity after opportunity where God tried to use me, but I was obstinate and chose to keep quiet. I’m not saying they were life and death situations, but I’m not saying they weren’t. One of the messages I shared this past season was on opening our eyes to see what God would have for us to do. Tomorrow as you go about your day, pray that God will open doors for you to minister to others. And then, when he sends you through the drive through and the worker is down-cast offer to pray. At the lunch table, when a conversation comes up that someone is frustrated, share your testimony. When you see someone in need, answer the call to help. If you pray for God’s direction I assure you He will take you places you have never been before. But, first you have to ask Him to lead.
I pray that you already ask God every day to give you opportunities to serve, but if not start now. I also ask that you pray for us as we are in the middle of fundraising for the ministry. As always, if you need us to pray with you, or would like us to come speak we are available. Just give us a call.
Love in Christ,
Briar Ridge