Sorry to be late on the blog, Thanksgiving had us in a tailspin. We are so thankful for those of you who keep up with us, and we ask that you continue to be patient with me for taking so long to write.
The weekend before Thanksgiving we were blessed to have our second hunt of the season. We ended up with 8 kids for the weekend and we all had a blast. We had 4 kills, 2 of which were first kills and some great hunting. We stayed pretty busy all weekend and when we weren’t in the woods or under the skinning shed we were blessed by the words of “The Barefoot Preacher from Franklin County”, Bro. Emory May. The wisdom, knowledge, and love in that man is an inspiration in itself. We called the night before we left just to tell him that the weekend had fell off and we wouldn’t have that many kids, he said he was prepared and ready to come anyway so we headed up being blessed with extra kids coming in at the last minute.
Bro. Emory spoke on God having a purpose for our lives. It’s so important that we each realize that we all have a unique purpose. I think sometimes we all forget that. We feel we have lost value, or sometimes we think we have never had any. But one thing is for sure, God puts a value on you. The One who Created the Universe, the One who put the planets in orbit, the One who tells the sun to rise and controls the wind and waves values each of us. The Bible says that he knows the very number of hairs on our head. That’s pretty amazing love right there. He is focused on each of us as individuals. He cares about our day to day lives. He loves us more than we could think or imagine. We are His children, whether we are obedient or not. And that is where this blog really begins.
There is no love like God’s love, yet we seem to miss the mark a lot. He loves us more than any other thing He created. And a lot of us dismiss His love like it isn’t even there. We go about our daily lives too busy to spend any time with Him. I was speaking to a family member the other day and he was so nonchalant about God. Oh, he said he read his Bible, and he said his prayers at night and before meals. I tried to explain to him that God wants a little bit more than us talking to Him. God wants to talk to us, He wants a relationship with us. He has blessed us so very much with every breath we breathe, much less all the extras like family and friends that love us, the freedom to worship anytime we want. But we take all of it for granted. We look for our purpose in other places. We put too much value on the things of this world, and don’t worry enough about storing up treasures in Heaven. I ask today that you pray about God’s purpose for your life. Seek His face and ask Him if you are fulfilling that purpose. And after you ask, sit and listen for His response. It probably won’t be audible, but you will know when He speaks. Let Him lead, guide and direct you as He sees fit today. And if you aren’t sure He wants to hear from you, think again. He loves you, and He sent this blog for you today.
If you need prayers, or just to talk we are here to serve. We pray God’s blessings on your lives.
Love in Christ,
Briar Ridge