Last weekend was a wonderful weekend at Briar Ridge. We had 10 hunters this weekend and ended up with about 22 in all for the weekend. We got a call the week before that the group we had scheduled couldn’t make it, so we were blessed to be able to come up with a few kids on our own. In the end we can see God’s hand in all that happens and it’s just a blessing to be able to serve him.
We ended up having a couple of very good deer down, and one first kill. It’s great to see memories being made for these children that they will never forget. When we were going up Friday afternoon we got a call that our speaker had something come up and wouldn’t be able to come, but we made a couple of calls and the weekend was covered.
We get to see so many wonderful things at Briar Ridge, but one of the most special happened this weekend. We had a teen come up last camp that killed a good deer, and after he went back to school he was talking to another kid and thought he really needed to come to camp, he wasn’t sure how that would happen because all of the camps for the rest of the year are getting full. When the other group dropped out it gave this kid an opportunity to come and be a part. The teen was the other kids mentor and everyone had a great time. And that’s where my blog starts.
God gives us all opportunities to be used by Him. In my life I can look back at too many opportunities missed. I talked to the group this weekend about opening our eyes and hearts to what God has for us to do. The Bible says to be prepared, to be instant in season and out of season. Too many times we are so caught up in our own lives, and we put our purpose on the back burner. Our job is to be ready at all times for God to use us. My question for you today is are you ready? Are you looking for opportunities to be God’s hand extended, to share His message of hope and love? If you’re not ready, then you are not fulfilling the great commission. We are not living fully surrendered to God.
I ask today that you take the time and pray. Ask God to begin to open your eyes to all the opportunities He places in front of you. I pray that you’re not like me, don’t look back and see all the times God tried to use you and you didn’t realize it. He has a plan and purpose for your life, let Him lead and direct you as He sees fit.
Once again if you know anyone that needs our ministry, or that would like to get involved please contact us. We are available to speak and share our ministry with others, and are looking forward to more opportunities to be used by Him.
Love in Christ,
Briar Ridge