It was a great third weekend at Briar Ridge. We ended up with 9 kids and 9 adults. The kids all had a great time with 3 deer killed (all bucks). The messages were brought by Bro. Jerry Waite from McIntosh, Alabama. It was one of our most effective weekends, with 7 children giving their life to Christ.
Brother Waite brought strong messages on the need for Christ in our life. He talked about our purpose, and how we should live a life dedicated to God. We don’t deserve God’s grace, we don’t deserve His mercy, but He loves us when we are unlovable. Christ came and gave His life to give us life. Our comfort in this life does not matter, all that matters is if we are ready to meet Christ right now.
So many times in churches today, we don’t hear strong messages of Heaven or Hell. We get pats on our back for doing the least we can. But Christ didn’t come for us to do the least, John 10:10 says He came to give us an abundant life. And in churches today a lot is preached on the abundant gifts God has for us. But this abundant life is more than just gifts and glory. The more that God gives us, is more of everything. More blessings, but also more responsibility, more trials, more of everything this life has to offer. God wants to give us more. More strength to survive everything that we go through.
Christ wants to use you, to reach more people. He wants to use you to change the world. But for Him to use you and I, we have to be completely prepared. We have to be ready to meet Him, ready to tell others about Him. Ready to step out in faith, ready to answer the call. I ask you today, are you ready to live the abundant life that Christ has called you to? Or are you hoping to live the just enough life? 1 Peter 4:18 says “if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and sinner appear?”
If you are riding the fence of this life, not being completely sold out to the message of Christ I urge you today to make the decision to Love Him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength (Mark 12:30). If we serve Him, we must follow Him (John 12:26). I pray that you have already made the decision to have Christ as the Lord of your life, but my more urgent prayer is that you follow the leading of Christ. He wants to lead you into an abundant life with Him. I pray that you walk in His abundance and follow where He leads.
If you want prayer, or if you know someone that would benefit from our ministry please let us know. We pray God’s will for your life. Answer His call today.
Love in Christ,
Briar Ridge.